Your Hingham Painting Contractor

.The first to discuss is the aged leather painting technique; it is ideal for those walls which are uneven or have some other flaw that you want to hide. To use this technique, a base color is first applied to the surface, which dries within a few hours. After it dries out, glaze has to be rolled on it with a roller. Then a plastic sheet is put over it to make it smooth; it has to be pressed down to smooth it. The plastic shall then be moved in all the directions to create abstract lines.
The second technique that we shall discuss here is known as strie painting technique. Again same as above, the base coat has to be applied first then when the paint dries, glaze and paint are mixed and a pad is dipped in the mixture. The pad has to be stroked at once and then equal pressure is put and the wet paint is dragged upon it.
The third most famous technique is the color washing technique. This requires a selection of two color paints. One has to be in a dark shade while the one has to be in a lighter shade. The base is to be applied with the dark shade and then taking a towel dipping it in the lighter paint and applying it to the towel, is what you need to do to create rippled effects.
Whether you are looking for a simple room painting or one of these great faux finishes our trained professional staff has the years of experience and the tools to do the job right and provide you with the very best possible finish for you home. So give them a call today and see what quality services they can provide you.